Company Policy
Investment Strategy
PowerGen Projects
Power Generation

GL is ideally positioned to participate in the economic growth of two of the most economicaly thriving countries in Latin America – Peru and Panama – through its investments in the ownership, operations, and development of energy infrastructure in these emerging economies. Its investments range from fuel resource development, fuel transport, to electrical power generation and transmission into national grid systems. Our emphasis is on environmentally sound projects with a competitive cost structure capable of generating electricity to further stimulate economic growth. A special emphasis is on optimizing the use of renewable energy resources, clean power generation by the judicious use of state of the art technology to generate clean energy, and by careful selection of projects to ensure market acceptance.


Company Policy

The Company maintains a strict policy of adherence to the Wise Use of Renewable Natural Resources policies promulgated by the Ramsar Convention and in qualifying its projects for United Nations credits for carbon emission reduction. The Company further adheres to the principle of the “good neighbor” in all of its project sites, recognizing that its projects identify themselves with the recognized best interests of the countries where they are located, but also of the local population and the neighborhood that surrounds the projects. The guiding principle is we measure success both by econometric results and by how we contribute to the betterment of life to the people that surround us.


Investment Strategy

GL investments in the energy sector range from development of peat fuel resources (see FUEL) to power generation using different technologies. The Company is developing small hydroelectric power generation using water flowing through irrigation canals and tunnels, from pre-existing reservoirs, and from run-of-river systems. The Company also invests in combined cycle, natural gas-fired thermoelectric power generation using large frame combustion turbine technology capable of attaining fuel consumption efficiencies of 50% or more in base load, and combining such projects with aeroderivative, dual-fuel turbines technology capable of supplying peaking demands while still achieving our efficiency standards.

The emphasis on high performance efficiencies for thermoelectric power generation is two-fold. With a higher efficiency, a power generation plant consumes less fuel to generate a target amount of electrical power. When you consume less fuel you produce less environmental contamination per kWh of electricity generated.

Also, the single largest component of the operational cost of a thermoelectric power generation plant is fuel. By minimizing the fuel consumption of such a plant per kWh generated, you also reduce the cost of generating such electricity. GL is targeting the Port of Samba Bonita, near the Caribbean Terminal of the Panama Canal as a fuel supply center for entry of new fuels into the Republic of Panama, such as compressed natural gas and liquified petroleoum gas. These fuels are targeted to supplying the next upgrade of more enviromentaly friendly power generation plants in Panama.

Environmental protection is not a matter of avoiding all environmental contaminants. It is a matter of using natural resources wisely and of providing the ever growing electrical power demands needed to sustain economic growth. Similarly, the useful life of a power generation project is measured in mankind generations – one for thermoelectric, two for hydroelectric. Our interest in close community relations is sound management practice. These are our guiding principles.



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